Friday, January 1, 2010

Cute Videos

This is one of Colin's first times using a push-toy!

Colin is getting stronger and pulling up more. Don't worry he didn't hurt himself.

Santa did good in bringing this new toy!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

We had a great holiday season. The pictures below are in no particular order.

Mother love. There is nothing better than a snooze with your wee one.

Happy New Year! Adam, Colin and I spent NYE with Kayley, Kenny and their families. It was awesome! Here we are with our friend Lynn!

Here Adam is showiug us just how tall the iglu is.

What a handsome pair! We chilled out in the iglu for quite a while. It was quite warm and there were caribou skins on the floor to sit on.

Here is a picture of the iglu from the outside.

More mother love!

Adam and I did some baking.

I put a bow on Colin because he is the best gift and well it's cute! Notice the cute slippers from uncle Chris.

Look at me!

Hmmm! Desmond this is awesome!

Gift wrap for me, really?

My first Christmas gift ever - a Bob the Builder ball.

Here I am busying myself while momma cooks dinner for friends.

We hope you all have a splendid and blessed new year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Colin will have a baby brother or sister in September. YEP! YAY!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Baby Christmas Party!

Colin's friend (and birthday bud) Bella had a Christmas party and secret Santa book exchange. It was a lot of fun. There was lots of gift wrap for the babies to play with and eat. I thought I did an excellent job taking the paper out of Colin's mouth but the next day we saw wrapping paper and other shiny stuff in his diaper:)!

Oh and we scored two Sandra Boynton books that we don't have. We are trying to collect all of them so this was a major score.

Here the kiddos are showing their early literacy skills by reading a book. The dude in green is Desmond and the chick is Bella.

More kiddos playing. And Connor sleeping.

All the mommas were waiting with arms wide open to catch falling babies. Look at Colin's big smile and pose. L-R: Gavin, Bella, Connor, Desmond, Colin.

Colin loves his buddy Desmond. "We all need somebody to lean on"

Connor what are you doing?

We are anxiously awaiting Christmas and so very excited for Colin to tear up all the paper.

Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Colin loves to play games like this and he laughs pretty hard.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

December.. wow time flies

Well it's almost Christmas and although Colin has no idea we are excited for him.

Colin is crawling around the whole apartment now but this picture was taken at the very beginning of his crawling.

Don't they look just alike? Adam gives Colin a bath almost everynight which is a nice bonding experience.

This was one of the last nights that we were about to go outside easily. It was snowimg quite a bit and Colin was much more interested in the snow than Santa.

Oh yay Boston Pizza! We went to Boston Pizza with friends for Adam's birthday. It was a lot of fun. Colin loves to explore all the new things around him and the menu was a big hit.

Daddy and Colin were both sick and so they took a nap together and of course I had to take a picture of this very cute moment.

Again you can see that Colin prefers to play with things that are not toys. He loves to play in the tubberware cupboard and he really loves these baking cups.

If you know me (Natasha), you know that I love books. I am so excited that Colin shares this love. He loves to look at pictures and listen to stories. He even goes and takes this book off the shelf and looks at them.

Our church had a Christmas dinner and we dressed up for it.

I'mi in love with a little blue eyed boy.

This was the day before our apartment got really cold. Colin is wearing his baby legs to prevent getting carpet burn as he navigates around the apartment.

We have started to sleep train Colin and this is the result. He is becoming quite attached to his little froggy.

Ahhh Colin has not been feeling well and falls asleep on the floor. Three of us have the pajamas that he is wearing.

I'm a big boy now - big enough to sit up in a cart. We are looking for Santa.

When we go to Wal-mart, I love putting some musical toys in the cart with Colin to play with.

We found Santa and merry he was not. This was probably a good thing though as Colin was not afraid at all.